Re: Straw Poll - Naming the Provenance Standard

Apologies for chiming in late in the day, but I've added some more suggestions 
on the wiki page.  Nothing too imaginative, I'm afraid.

PIV: Provenance Interchange Vocabulary
PAV: Provenance Assertion Vocabulary
PAL: Provenance assertion Language

(Currently, I lean towards PAL, but not strongly.)


Paul Groth wrote:
> Hi All,
> Could you please fill out the following straw poll on the possible names 
> for the provenance standard:
> Poll: 
> At this stage, this is non-committal but we would like to have an idea 
> of what people think to have a brief discussion at this Thursday's telecon.
> Names were taken from this page: 
> Thanks for your feedback,
> Paul

Received on Wednesday, 3 August 2011 12:02:34 UTC