Re: Introduction

Hi all,

In order to let the presentations going on I will introduce myself. I am 
Iker Huerga, founder of LINKatu, a newly founded Spanish company which 
recently joined W3C. LINKatu is mainly focused in applying Semantic Web 
technologies to Health Care and Life Sciences domain, hence our interest 
about provenance of information. I have been working on Semantic Web 
technologies since 2004 and I hope I can contribute to this working group.

Looking forward to work with you.

Best Regards

On 04/14/2011 12:51 PM, Paul Groth wrote:
> Hi All,
> To introduce myself, I'm a co-chair of the working group and work at 
> the VU University Amsterdam. I've been involved with provenance 
> related research since 2004 and have participated in the provenance 
> community through both the Provenance Challenge and the W3C Provenance 
> Incubator group.
> I'm fueled by espresso :-)
> You can find more about me at
> I'm on twitter at @pgroth
> I look forward to working with all of you,
> Paul

Iker Huerga Sánchez
Co-Founder, LINKatu
Polo de Innovación Garaia
Goiru, 1. Edificio A, 4º Piso
20500 Arrasate - Gipuzkoa
T+34 943 712 072 F+34 943 712 223

Received on Friday, 15 April 2011 07:51:05 UTC