Re: Introduction

Dear all,

I am Luc Moreau from the University of Southampton, and I am the other 
co-chair of the working group.
I have had a long standing interest in provenance and open 
specifications for provenance.

I was PI on the Provenance Aware Service Oriented Architecture project 
and architect of the EU Provenance project (, 
where we produce a first open
specification for provenance. Based on this experience, I initiated the 
Provenance Challenge series
(, which led to the design of 
the community-based Open Provenance
Model (OPM, I was also involved in the 
W3C Incubator on Provenance.

For further details, see my page

I look forward to working with you all in defining an important standard 
for the Web.

Best Regards,

On 04/14/2011 11:51 AM, Paul Groth wrote:
> Hi All,
> To introduce myself, I'm a co-chair of the working group and work at 
> the VU University Amsterdam. I've been involved with provenance 
> related research since 2004 and have participated in the provenance 
> community through both the Provenance Challenge and the W3C Provenance 
> Incubator group.
> I'm fueled by espresso :-)
> You can find more about me at
> I'm on twitter at @pgroth
> I look forward to working with all of you,
> Paul

Professor Luc Moreau
Electronics and Computer Science   tel:   +44 23 8059 4487
University of Southampton          fax:   +44 23 8059 2865
Southampton SO17 1BJ               email:
United Kingdom           

Received on Friday, 15 April 2011 13:45:48 UTC