How to attach a prov graph to an RDF Triple?

Dear all,

This might be a question that has been asked before, but I couldn't find anything in the list archives. Please just direct me to the previous discussion, should there be one.

In my application I want to make assertions about a specific triple in my RDF graph. The creation of the provenance graph is fairly straightforward, but I'm still at odds how to attach the provenance graph to the triple. So far I've found two ways of doing this:
1) Reifying the triple and then attach the provenance graph to the rdf:Statement.
2) Creating named graphs (possibly one per triple) and attach the provenance graph to the graph identifier.

Are there any other ways or best practices on how to do this?

Thanks for any insight,


*** Lesen. Hören. Wissen. Deutsche Nationalbibliothek *** 
Dr. Lars G. Svensson
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Received on Tuesday, 10 October 2017 12:59:36 UTC