CfP IEEE MASS/MPPS Workshop on Multilateral/Multiuser Privacy in Pervasive Systems

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***** submission is open******** NEW deadline: May 31, 2007 ****************


1st Int. Workshop on Multilateral/Multiuser Privacy in Pervasive Systems
collocated with


The Fourth IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor 

Systems (MASS)
Pisa, 8 - 11 October 2007 (


The advent of pervasive systems is going to render the precondition made by 

privacy enhancing technologies researched so far inappropriate. More 

precisely, in pervasive systems users are no longer interacting with one or 

just a few entities. Further, sensing devices will be capable to retrieve 

some data without users consent. In addition, different users may require 

different settings from a pervasive system at the same time and at the same 

place, so interference of users has to be solved somehow. Privacy is a hot 

research topic for several years, but research that addresses privacy in 

pervasive systems is still in its infancy. The goal of this workshop is to 

provide a platform for presenting and discussing novel ideas to preserve 

privacy in pervasive systems. We especially want to foster discussion 

between scientist form industry and academia working in different fields 

such as middleware platforms and low power security solutions. 


Relevant TOPICS include, but are not limited to: 
- Privacy related management of pervasive systems.
- Security means as key enablers for privacy for computing devices with weak
- Information flow analysis.
- Privacy aware applications.
- Privacy preserving middleware approaches.
- Balancing privacy requirements between users and users and service
- RFIDs and privacy.


Paper Submissions:

The workshop seeks original research contributions of high quality. In 

addition to regular papers position papers that discuss hot topics or 

future research directions, and work in progress papers presenting 

interesting preliminary results are accepted. Full papers should not exceed 

6 pages, and work in progress and position papers should be limited to a 

maximum of 4 pages. All papers shall be formatted in standard IEEE style, 

10pt, two-column pages (style files are available at All accepted workshop 

papers will appear in the MASS 2007 Proceedings published by IEEE. Please 

refer to the conference web site for details on formatting and to the 

workshop site for submission instructions.

Keynote Speaker(s): 

- Caspar Bowden, Chief Privacy Advisor EMEA, Microsoft EMEA Technology



Submission deadline: May 31, 2007
Notification of acceptance: July 15, 2007
Camera ready papers due to IEEE: August 10, 2007


Workshop Chairs: 
 Prof. Dr. Denis Trcek,
 Dr. Peter Langendörfer,



Programm Committee:

      Suzana Andova, NTNU, Norway
      Goetz Brasche, European Microsoft Innovations Center, Germany
      Levente Buttyan, BUTE, Hungary
      Claude  Castelluccia, INRIA, France
      Joris Claessens, European Microsoft Innovations Center, Germany
      Simone Fischer-Hübner, Karlstad University, Sweden
      Stefanos Gritzalis, University of the Aegean, Greece
      Peter Herrmann, NTNU, Norway
      Peter Langendörfer, IHP, Germany
      Günther Müller, Universität Freiburg, Germany
      Roberto Di Pietro, Uni Roma 3, Italy
      Martin S. Olivier, University of Pretoria, South Africa
      Pierangela Samarati, University of Milan, Italy
      Denis Treès, Jozef Stefans Institute, Slovenia
      Dirk Westhoff, NEC, Germany
      Shigeki Yamada, National Institute of Informatics, Japan


Organizing Committee: 
 Michael Maaser, Krzysztof Piotrowski, Steffen Peter


Received on Wednesday, 30 May 2007 10:02:07 UTC