Re: Look ahead processing

At 2014-03-04 21:18 -0500, Betty Harvey wrote:
>I am not sure if I have captured the subject line correctly but there is a
>need for determining the page before it has been processed.  There are
>several use cases that I can identify and I don't know of a way in XSL-FO
>to do it.  Publishing systems like Datalogics and XPP perform a second
>pass on the data in order to accomplish the look ahead.
>In military specification technical manuals you need to identify blank pages.
>Outputting blank pages on even numbered pages before the next chapter or
>work package isn't a big deal.  However, the blank page must be identified
>in the table of contents, i.e.,
>Page 1:  WP1
>Page 10:  WP2
>Page 20:  Blank
>To complicate it even further the footer page of the last page has to tell
>the user the next page is blank:
>Page 19 (Page 20 Blank)
>I realize that this is a bit antiquated in today's publishing environment
>but organizations don't have an option when delivering manuals under
>There might be some clever way of doing this without a second pass on
>result tree but I haven't been able to think of it.

I've documented the approach here ... it doesn't involve look-ahead:

I hope this helps.

. . . . . . . . .  Ken

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Received on Wednesday, 5 March 2014 02:13:19 UTC