Re: Detecting last page of real content

At 2012-02-05 15:20 -0600, Earl Hood wrote:
>[Sorry if this is a dupe, seems mailing list does not like
>  when Sender field is not the same as From/Reply-to.  List
>  software should handle this properly.]
>I have an odd-even page layout where the sequence is configured
>to end on even.  Hence, a blank page will be inserted if the
>flow content ends on odd.
>The problem I have is detecting the case when the flow content
>ends on odd since I am required to indicate that the next page
>is blank.  For example, if the next page is blank, the previous
>page should have something like the following where the page
>number is printed:
>  3/4 blank
>This indicates we are on page 3, and page 4 is blank.
>I've tried to use the "last" for page-position in
>conditional-page-master-reference, but it appears that "last"
>also includes the generated blank page vs the last page
>of flowed content.
>Is there a way with standard XSL-FO to get the effect I

Yes, I've done this in my XSL-FO classroom and showed it working with 
Antenna House.  Attached is the PDF I created (I don't know if this 
list will accept attachments or not).  The XSL-FO that created the 
PDF is below.

In brief,

(1) - put a unique identifier in each page-sequence's blank page flow
(2) - use different page geometries for odd and even pages
(3) - add a marker retrieval on the odd page after the page number
(4) - at the end of the flow the marker as you want the suffix to appear,
       using a page-number-citation to cite the following even page number
       using that page-sequences blank page unique identifier defined in (1)

Note that students informed me that the commercial brand of XSL-FO 
processor they are using does not support this standard use of 
XSL-FO.  I won't say publicly which processor that was, but it might 
be that the processor you are using will not work here.

A contributor to the XSL list revealed this approach last year I 
think.  I wish I had thought of it.

I hope this helps.

. . . . . . . . . Ken

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Received on Monday, 6 February 2012 03:28:53 UTC