Re: Does the Crystal Goblet apply?

Just picking up one scope point Arved

> As a related note, the UI design of programs that produce content - WP
> applications, text editors, IDEs - is as much a relevant topic to this
> group, IMO, as specs that prescribe the form of the content. A lousy tool
> makes for lousy work.
> Arved

IF (big if without a list of deliverables) we produce something like XSL-FO
from this group, how do you see UI design coming into this groups scope?

My view is that inDesign / Word .... are designed to enable individual
tweaking. XSL-FO wasn't. To me, that is a huge difference and is
one bid differentiator.


Dave Pawson
Docbook FAQ.

Received on Thursday, 2 January 2014 06:50:25 UTC