- From: Stasinos Konstantopoulos <konstant@iit.demokritos.gr>
- Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2008 03:30:07 +0300
- To: Phil Archer <parcher@icra.org>
- Cc: Public POWDER <public-powderwg@w3.org>
On Tue Apr 22 17:57:45 2008 Phil Archer said: > <descriptorset> > <icra:na>1</icra:na> > <icra:vj>1</icra:vj> > <bbfc:rating rdf:resource="http://www.bbfc.org/1997/#12" /> > </descriptorset> > > [...] become this in POWDER-S: > > <owl:Class rdf:nodeID="descriptorset_1"> > <owl:intersectionOf rdf:parseType="Collection"> > <owl:Restriction> > <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="&icra;#na" /> > <owl:hasValue>true</owl:hasValue> > </owl:Restriction> > <owl:Restriction> > <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="&icra;#vj" /> > <owl:hasValue>true</owl:hasValue> > </owl:Restriction> > <*owl:Class* rdf:resource="http://www.bbfc.org/1997/#12" /> > </owl:intersectionOf> > </owl:Class> > > So the ICRA descriptors (which have literal values) would become > property restrictions on the OWL class. The BBFC rating becomes another > class and the descriptor set is the intersection of all three. > > The use of rdf:resource tells the processor that the referred to item is > an RDF (or OWL) class and not another POWDER (XML) descriptor set. For > that we'd use ref, i.e. > > <descriptorset> > <icra:na>1</icra:na> > <icra:vj>1</icra:vj> > <bbfc:rating ref="http://www.bbfc.org/1997/#12" /> > </descriptorset> > > Now that becomes something different in POWDER-S because we're referring > to something else that is a description but that is not an RDF or OWL > class - it could be anything, hence this would become > > <owl:Class rdf:nodeID="descriptorset_1"> > <owl:intersectionOf rdf:parseType="Collection"> > <owl:Restriction> > <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="&icra;#na" /> > <owl:hasValue>true</owl:hasValue> > </owl:Restriction> > <owl:Restriction> > <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="&icra;#vj" /> > <owl:hasValue>true</owl:hasValue> > </owl:Restriction> > </owl:intersectionOf> > <*rdfs:seeAlso* rdf:resource="http://www.bbfc.org/1997/#12" /> > </owl:Class> > > This class still has the ICRA property restrictions but now just says > 'take a look over there as well' but the BBFC rating is not part of the > actual description. If the BBFC vocabulary is really RDF then bbfc:12 cannot be anything, it has to be a either a class, an instance, or a relation. If one can resolve bbfc: then it becomes obvious what 12 is, and in any case the POWDER author will have to know what it really is and use it appropriately (see previous email). I guess the rdfs:seeAlso allows one to not have to know, but then is should be expressed by a similarly agnostic construct in POWDER/XML. If one writes: <bbfc:rating ref="http://www.bbfc.org/1997/#12" /> in POWDER/XML, one has already made the commitment that bbfc:rating is a property and bbfc:12 is an instance which is our resource's value for the bbfc:rating property. s
Received on Wednesday, 23 April 2008 00:30:50 UTC