- From: Phil Archer <parcher@icra.org>
- Date: Mon, 07 Apr 2008 13:55:12 +0100
- To: Public POWDER <public-powderwg@w3.org>
Some comments from me on the doc so far. I'm not bothering with "this could be phrased better" or typos at this point. Abstract: "There are two varieties of POWDER, a complex, semantically rich variety, called POWDER-S and a simplified version called POWDER which is intended for day-to-day usage." This goes to our Issue-50 (a.k.a Ivan 3) about whether it is advisable to create POWDER-S documents. See my mail of 30/3 [1]. If the resolution is accepted then I suggest: "There are two varieties of POWDER, a complex, semantically rich variety, called POWDER-S and a much simpler version, just called POWDER, which is intended as the primary transport mechanism for Description Resources. POWDER-S can be generated automatically from POWDER." Status section: Add place holder for reference to the Test Suite. Just looking at GRDDL, their Primer looks likely to be a Note but the Test Suite is a full Rec document. 1. What is POWDER ================= I'd rewrite this original text: "There are two varieties of POWDER, a complex, semantically rich variety, called POWDER-S and a simplified version. The simplified version, also called the operational semantics, is written in XML for easy day to day use. The formal semantics, POWDER-S, are intended to provide mechanism to harness the semantic web and underpin the operational semantics. A GRDDL transform will create the needed RDF/XML for this use. There is no restriction on which form to use, but it should be noted that the simplified version is intended for the exchange of information between systems. The POWDER-S version is designed to facilitate incorporation of POWDER information in larger RDF based systems. Thus POWDER allows a variety of questions to be answered about a given web resource or group thereof, without having to actually retrieve the resource." as "There are two varieties of POWDER, a complex, semantically rich variety, called POWDER-S and a simple version, known simply as POWDER. The simple version has relatively loose, human-readable 'operational semantics,' and is written in XML. The semantically-rich version, known as POWDER-S, allows POWDER to harness the semantic web at large and includes formal semantics that underpin the operational semantics. A GRDDL transform automatically generates POWDER-S as RDF/OWL from a POWDER document. There is no restriction on which form to use, but it should be noted that the simple version is intended as the primary exchange mechanism between systems. All POWDER tools will process POWDER. It is OPTIONAL whether this is done using the POWDER-S form so that a processor MAY NOT understand this form. POWDER-S is designed to facilitate incorporation of POWDER information in larger RDF-based systems and it should be noted that such systems will need to implement two Semantic Extensions to do this (see @@@section X@@@). Importantly, POWDER allows a variety of questions to be answered about a given web resource or group thereof, without having to actually retrieve the resource(s)." Rather than a separate section 2, I'd be inclined to end the Introduction with a list of the other documents in the suite and give a brief explanation of what they cover - the Primer is the starting point, the other docs provide the detail. 4 How does POWDER work in the real world? ========================================= We'll have to check what is and isn't allowed in terms of W3C policy but I wonder whether we can provide real world examples here that illustrate the abstract use cases. That is, show an actual example of an ICRA label, a Technosite label, a Segala label etc. There is precedent for this in that the RDF specs make references to PRISM, DC etc. The PICS specs include copies of the RSACi and Safe Surf ratings systems. Perhaps we could include our 'in house' examples to start with and use this to go to others during CR and use the possibility of inclusion in the doc as an incentive to implement the tech? basically, as much as the WG members are able to supply and commit to in public would be good - and that goes as much for Vodafone, AOL and Opera as it does for us labelling types! 5. How DO I Use POWDER? ======================= The first example is (obviously) copied from the DR doc which has since been updated so that the maker element takes a ref (see the meeting agenda mail for 31/2 [2]). I wonder whether it might be appropriate to introduce the key elements of attribution, scope and description and then add the angle brackets? The definition of a DR might also be useful. See second para of intro to DR doc: "a resource that contains a description, a definition of the scope of the description and assertions about both the circumstances of its own creation and the entity that created it." This comes from the XG Report which may, again, provide some useful background [3]. Such a discussion may end up with a repeat of the generic example but I'm not sure it should start that way. The line by line description of the example is probably too tech for the Primer? How Do I publish a DR? ====================== 1. the DR must be created That's true of course but I think in a lot of cases (ICRA, Segala, Technosite) these are going to be generated on the fly from a database so it might be more appropriate to say "made available from a URI" 2. the resources must have some form of reference to the DR that describes the resource in question. Not necessarily. Of course, it's good if the resources do have a link to a DR that describes it, but it's not essential. I'd say that step 2 could be made more generic by saying: " 2. Make the DR easily discoverable. This can be achieved through a link from the described resource or through including the DR in a repository of many DRs that describe resources that have relevant features in common. I'm still not 100% sure whether the relationship type is going to be powder or possibly describedBy - there's a load of discussion on the HTTP list about this and I will be reporting to the group on it in the near future. For now, the link example is OK. describedBy may well be more appropriate for POWDER-S as I think the expectation may end up being that the resource returns a load of triples rather than an XML doc. More news when I have it. When do I use POWDER-S or POWDER? ================================= See [1]. How do I process DRs? ===================== Yep, we need some scripts and things here. Chaals promised some such and I'm hoping to have some Perl to offer before long (I just need to teach myself how to process XML in Perl first, just a small hump to get over ;-) ). And yes, we should publish some XQueries. Kev/Andrea should be able to help here in due course. How do I process POWDER-S? ========================== I think this section needs to include things like SPARQL queries and examples from RDF/OWL systems that do and don't implement the semantic extension - which gives us a dependency on that development work but the doc won't be finished until after CR so that's OK. Explaining the Semantic Extensions in natural language here is good. I can work on this with our Greek partners. I don't think we need to devote much of the Primer to POWDER-S. 6 What do I need to use POWDER? =============================== I think we want 'the average webmaster' to be feel that they can add POWDER to their content without any specialist knowledge. So maybe we could create a generic description of a not entirely fictional scenario. In ICRA's case, the webmaster will, as now, use our online tool to create a DR. They don't need to understand the underlying technology, all they need to know is what it says. I think Technosite and Segala will do similar things, that is, we'll take care of the POWDER side of things. So if you use such a service, all you need to be able to do is to add a link element to your HTML (and even that's going to be optional!). So if you can do this: <link rel="stylesheet" href="/styles.css" type="text/css" /> You can easily do this <link rel="powder" href="/powder.xml" type="application/xml" /> Note the MIME type is application/xml, not the RDF one of application/rdf+xml We also need to include sections on: 1. Having a single URI for the 'latest DR' which uses a 302 redirect to the current one which will have its own URI (as discussed at length in Washington last year). 2. Reusing elements in a POWDER doc rather than repeating it. 3. Setting up a repository, the FOAF file etc. This looks daunting, I know, but if the doc has place holders, it can show where we're heading and it can evolve based on real experience during CR. Sorry Kai, Diana... you did ask for feedback! P [1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-powderwg/2008Apr/0001.html (member only) [2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-powderwg/2008Mar/0136.html [3] http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/wcl/XGR-wcl/ Scheppe, Kai-Dietrich wrote: > <<WD-powder-primer-20080326.htm>> Hi, > > After the London meeting I have made the discussed changes in the > document and added Diana's part. > > I would appreciate input to the document in general, some input on those > items outlined as a pinkish editor's note and also a thorough going > through on a technical level. > > > Thanks > Kai
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