Re: Open Issues: DR scope

Hi, Kevin.

> Hi Andrea,
> I was trying to follow the example in the OWL guide [1]:
> <owl:Class rdf:ID="PotableLiquid"> 
>   <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="#ConsumableThing" />
>   ...
> </owl:Class>  
> <owl:Class rdf:ID="Wine"> 
>   <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="&food;PotableLiquid"/> 
>   ...  
> </owl:Class> 
> So by my interpretation, "ResourceOnExampleDotOrg" is a subclass of the
> class of all resources (or arguably of all resources at the top level
> domain .org, but that has little semantic value)
> Of course, my interpretation could be completely wrong :)

No, it is not wrong. However, provided that you've defined the class
with rdf:ID "AllResources", this does not help in expressing the
semantics of a DR scope. What we have to do is write a class description
so that, if the URI host component of a resource ends with,
this means that such resource is *necessarily* an instance of that
class. So, in my understanding, the problem is that this must be
expressed by using owl:equivalentClass, but it cannot be expressed by
using rdfs:subclassOf, independently from how you use such property. But
probably I'm wrong...


Received on Thursday, 6 December 2007 22:13:15 UTC