Re: [pointerevents] How should PointerLock vs setPointerCapture work together?

I was playing with different scenarios and interactions of these APIs.
 Particularly the fact that `requestPointerLock` is an async API and 
it is not in effect until user accepts that.
I found that defining the interaction based on which call was first 
seems more confusing.

Note that `requestPointerLock` is a more specific API (as it is only 
for mouse). I would say something that is more specific should 
generally take precedence over something that is more generic.

So how about pointer lock state always takes priority over the 
capture. So calling `requestPointerLock` doesn't do anything. But as 
soon as pointerlock is in effect if there is any capture going on 
(including the element that will get the pointerlock) the element 
should receive the `lostpointercapture`. Essentially, 
`lostpointercapture` should be fired before `pointerlockchange` if 
needed. While pointer lock is in effect `setPointerCapture` API should
 always fail. Since we don't have any generic exception, I wonder just
 silently not doing anything is fine or not similar to step 3 in 
"Setting Pointer Capture" section. WDYT?

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Received on Monday, 13 February 2017 20:45:40 UTC