Re: Distinguishing input from multiple users

I like the idea of having a device id associated with each event. I've also
heard requests to be able to listen for when a device is

On Sun, Mar 24, 2013 at 1:54 AM, Sangwhan Moon <> wrote:

> In the specification as of today, there is no reliable way to
> detect/associate
> input from multiple users - as PointerEvent.pointerId is the closest thing
> that
> can be used to detect such a thing, which sadly doesn't guarantee a
> reliable
> pointerId to user mapping.
> I see two approaches for resolving this:
> 1) Re-define PointerEvent.pointerId in a way that:
> - How indices are generated and reserved for non-mice is normative, so it
> can heuristically map to a specific input device.
> - Indices are not recyclable.
> (and possibly add the concept of "available pointers", or redefine "active
> pointers")
> 2) Add a new deviceId member in the PointerEvent interface.
> (and possibly add methods to enumerate available devices)
> I'm not sure which would be the best way to handle this, although I am a
> bit
> skeptical about the first idea as detecting the device will possibly leave
> corner
> cases where the heuristics may fail.
> --
> Sangwhan Moon, Opera Software ASA

Received on Monday, 25 March 2013 14:29:36 UTC