"Gunderson, Jon R" <jongund@illinois.edu> wrote on 05/20/2015 12:55:43 PM:
> I am wondering how the proposed aria-interactive is different from
> tabindex=-1?
> Both indicate an element has behavior, and the absence of tabindex
> attribute means no behavior (e.g. aria-interactive=false)
Tabindex does not affect mapping. A gridcell in a grid with no tabindex
specified is still a grid ... it just missing tabindex.
Current proposal is that an element with role grid and
aria-interactive=false would be mapped as a static table is mapped.
Matt King
IBM Senior Technical Staff Member
I/T Chief Accessibility Strategist
IBM BT/CIO - Global Workforce and Web Process Enablement
Phone: (503) 578-2329, Tie line: 731-7398
From: "Gunderson, Jon R" <jongund@illinois.edu>
To: Matthew King/Fishkill/IBM@IBMUS, Dominic Mazzoni
Cc: W3C WAI Protocols & Formats <public-pfwg@w3.org>, Alexander Surkov
Date: 05/20/2015 12:59 PM
Subject: How is aria-interactive different than tabindex=-1
I am wondering how the proposed aria-interactive is different from
Both indicate an element has behavior, and the absence of tabindex
attribute means no behavior (e.g. aria-interactive=false)