Re: ACTION-1474 Rewrite text alternative computation.

Hey Joseph.

On 10/31/2014 09:59 AM, Joseph Scheuhammer wrote:
> All,
> Rewrite completed.  See:

Given the following imagemap:

  <img src="myimg.png" width="100" height="100" usemap="#mymap" />
  <map name="mymap">
    <area shape="rect" coords="0, 0, 33, 100" alt="foo" href="#">
    <area shape="rect" coords="33, 0, 66, 100" alt="bar" href="#">
    <area shape="rect" coords="66, 0, 100, 100" alt="baz" href="#">

Both WebKitGtk and Gecko expose three links. Gecko exposes the
alternative text from the areas as the accessible names of the links, as
I would expect as an AT developer. WebKitGtk, on the other hand, exposes
the alternative text the areas as the accessible descriptions of the
links with no name being provided.

Question 1: Is the above test case already covered by D and its examples?

Question 2: If not, is there agreement that the link name (rather than
the description) be taken from the alternative text? Or is this
something that needs further discussion?

Thanks! (Both for your thoughts and for doing the algorithm in the first


Received on Thursday, 20 November 2014 02:14:02 UTC