Re: ACTION-1474 Rewrite text alternative computation.

Hi Joanie,

> Given the following imagemap:
>    <img src="myimg.png" width="100" height="100" usemap="#mymap" />
>    <map name="mymap">
>      <area shape="rect" coords="0, 0, 33, 100" alt="foo" href="#">
>      <area shape="rect" coords="33, 0, 66, 100" alt="bar" href="#">
>      <area shape="rect" coords="66, 0, 100, 100" alt="baz" href="#">
>    </map>
> Both WebKitGtk and Gecko expose three links. Gecko exposes the
> alternative text from the areas as the accessible names of the links, as
> I would expect as an AT developer. WebKitGtk, on the other hand, exposes
> the alternative text the areas as the accessible descriptions of the
> links with no name being provided.
> Question 1: Is the above test case already covered by D and its examples?

Short answer:  yes.

Longer answer:  The DOM element for which the accessible name is 
calculated here is each individual <area> element.  It's the "root node" 
at step 1 of the algorithm [1].
- Step 2A doesn't apply, as the <area> is not hidden.
- Step 2B doesn't apply, as the <area> does not have an @aria-labelledby.
- Step 2C doesn't apply, as there is no @aria-label.
- Step 2D applies since there is a native attribute, @alt, that is used 
by <area> elements to provide alternative text.
- Done (no recursion).

Note that <area> elements are mapped to the AAPI's link role [2], which 
matches where you say "... expose three links".



'Array(16).join("wat" - 1) + " Batman!"'
            - G. Bernhardt -

Received on Thursday, 20 November 2014 16:19:53 UTC