Re: UAIG Menu events

Hi Rich,

General comment:  Is this a request for edits?  If so, can someone 
provide the correct wording?

Specific comments:
> 1. Row 1: We ONLY get an EVENT_MENU_START if we first focus a menu 
> item in the menu bar. The current test suite fires a 
> EVENT_SYSTEM_MENUPOPUPSTART when you open the sub menu as it is a 
> pop-up menu. IOW you have to go to the menubar first to get a 
> EVENT_MENU_START event which starts the menu start sequence.  Menu 
> mode should include popping up a menu. 

The scenario description for Row 1 is, "Open menu in menu bar".  To me, 
that is what you get when you, for example, click on the "File" menuitem 
in the menu bar, and its accompanying menu pops up.  Or when you use 
Alt+F on the keyboard.  Is that what the test case is simulating?

Aside:  for Windows menus, when you open a menu from the menu bar either 
by click or keystroke, the first menu item is highlighted (= focused?).  
That's possibly why the scenario in row 1 includes " Focus goes to 
menuitem ...", but I'm not sure which menuitem it's talking about.  It 
could be the menu item in the menu bar, or it could be the menu item in 
the popped open menu.

> 2. Row 3: When a popup menu is made visible (we have this in the tests 
> cases). We do not get an EVENT_SYSTEM_MENUSTART. We only get a 
> EVENT_SYSTEM_MENUPOPUPSTART. Additionally, just showing a pop up menu 
> is all that is required to get: EVENT_SYSTEM_MENUPOPUPSTART. You don't 
> need to set focus on it. 

Okay.  What happens when the popup menu is made visible AND focus *is* 
placed on one of its menuitems?  Isn't that a situation that needs 
coverage?  Perhaps it is via a combination of rows 3 and 2.  If so, 
"then a focus event on a menuitem" text in row 3 is redundant.

> 3. Row 5: If you simply show and hide a popup menu I am not seeing a 
> 4. Row 6: I am not seeing a EVENT_SYSTEM_MENUEND in Firefox for a 
> popup menu leaving

These strike me as bugs in  FF, since it appears that FF is firing some 
kind of menu "start" event.  Doesn't it need to clear that with a 
corresponding menu end event(s)?  Or is it sufficient to simply clear 
the "menu mode"?  Alex?



'A: After all, it isn't rocket science.'
'K: Right. It's merely computer science.'
              - J. D. Klaun -

Received on Wednesday, 30 October 2013 18:09:08 UTC