MINUTES: APA Adapt Task Force Teleconference - Monday 16 May 2022

Hi all,

Please find the minutes for today’s meeting at the following link. The plain text minutes follow the link.


[15:04] <Zakim> agendum 1 -- Announce that next meeting will be on IRC Channel 'adapt' -- taken up [from sharon]
[15:05] <mike_beganyi> sharon: as of next week the IRC channel will be Adapt
[15:05] <CharlesL> q+
[15:05] * Zakim sees CharlesL on the speaker queue
[15:05] <mike_beganyi> janina: page needs to be updated. that's for Roy
[15:05] <mike_beganyi> sharon: Roy, can you update?
[15:05] <mike_beganyi> Roy: I will update
[15:06] <CharlesL> q?
[15:06] * Zakim sees CharlesL on the speaker queue
[15:06] <sharon> ack CharlesL
[15:06] * Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue
[15:06] <mike_beganyi> CharlesL: also the mailing list has -personalization in it
[15:07] <mike_beganyi> janina: will create a new archive. our Wiki will have to point out that we operated as Personalization. they're archived in a different place
[15:07] <CharlesL> q+
[15:07] * Zakim sees CharlesL on the speaker queue
[15:08] <mike_beganyi> Roy: will need to confirm changing the e-mail
[15:08] <sharon> ack CharlesL
[15:08] * Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue
[15:08] <mike_beganyi> CharlesL: the changes to github, we'll be in our specs pointing to new repos on github, right?
[15:08] <mike_beganyi> Roy: I think so. github will be changed by public list document
[15:08] <mike_beganyi> Roy: will include all URL and feedback
[15:09] <mike_beganyi> janina: update working draft with all changes then advance to CR
[15:09] <mike_beganyi> zakim, next item
[15:09] <Zakim> agendum 2 -- Inclusive Design 24 (Matthew) -- taken up [from sharon]
[15:10] <Matthew_Atkinson> Details: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-personalization-tf/2022May/0010.html

[15:10] == Lionel_Wolberger [~Lionel_Wolberger@7df9ea9e.public.cloak] has joined #personalization
[15:11] <Lionel_Wolberger> agenda?
[15:11] * Zakim sees 7 items remaining on the agenda:
[15:11] * Zakim 2. Inclusive Design 24 (Matthew) [from sharon]
[15:11] * Zakim 3. APA Adapt announcement and messaging - https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-personalization-tf/2022May/0002.html [from sharon]
[15:11] * Zakim 4. TPAC 12-16 September 2022 - Plan meetings; remind chairs to fill in the form before 31 May:   https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/1/LogisticsTPAC2022/ [from sharon]
[15:11] * Zakim 5. Adapt chairs, approve the Roy PR regarding renaming specification docs from Personalization to Adapt (and adding the caption)
[15:11] * Zakim ... https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/pull/205 [from sharon]
[15:11] * Zakim 6. PR status on issues 203 and 204 (merge) -  https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/issues/203,  https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/issues/204 [from
[15:11] <Lionel_Wolberger> q?
[15:11] * Zakim ... sharon]
[15:11] * Zakim 7. Content Module Implementations Status [from sharon]
[15:11] * Zakim 8. Planning future COGA meetings on our other two modules [from sharon]
[15:11] * Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue
[15:11] <Lionel_Wolberger> present+
[15:11] <mike_beganyi> Matthew_Atkinson: widely known series of talks. they archive the videos. would be a good opportunity to let people know about what we're doing
[15:12] <janina> q+
[15:12] * Zakim sees janina on the speaker queue
[15:12] <mike_beganyi> Matthew_Atkinson: present 30 minutes of Adapt and/or some APA work (XR, CAPTCHA, maturity, etc.)
[15:12] <sharon> ack janina
[15:12] * Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue
[15:12] <mike_beganyi> janina: two questions. when's the conference?
[15:12] <mike_beganyi> Matthew_Atkinson: 22nd of September I believe
[15:13] <mike_beganyi> janina: what outcomes are we seeking?
[15:13] <mike_beganyi> Matthew_Atkinson: help with wide review of Adapt and encourage implementation, general publicizing of work we're doing
[15:14] <mike_beganyi> janina: is it typical for the conference to have prospective work? that's the stage we're in currently
[15:15] <mike_beganyi> Matthew_Atkinson: timing is potentially difficult. up to them to decide whether it's worthwhile.
[15:15] <sharon> q?
[15:15] * Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue
[15:16] <mike_beganyi> janina: a little nervous about prospective versus the ability to implement after learning about it during the event
[15:17] <mike_beganyi> q?
[15:17] * Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue
[15:18] <mike_beganyi> sharon: anyone you could talk to with those questions in mind, Matthew? or propose and see if a presentation is accepted?
[15:19] <mike_beganyi> Matthew_Atkinson: can always contact and ask if appropriate content. would need to decide whether we're going to go ahead with the content
[15:20] <mike_beganyi> janina: seems like more of a general APA opportunity as opposed to Adapt in particular. need to consider the outcomes of the presentation and what we want from it
[15:22] <mike_beganyi> Matthew_Atkinson: don't think an hour presentation is necessary
[15:24] <mike_beganyi> janina: if purpose is to introduce people to APA/W3C and what our current work is, then it becomes at least an APA if not W3C/WAI presentation
[15:24] <mike_beganyi> sharon: what to propose to move forward with this
[15:24] <mike_beganyi> janina: need more concrete sense of outcomes and what the conference is
[15:24] <mike_beganyi> janina: just unclear as to what we're presenting or leaving with after the presentation
[15:28] <mike_beganyi> Lionel_Wolberger: could do an hour if we discuss other APA work (COGA, Pronunciation, Adapt)
[15:29] <Matthew_Atkinson> Abstract from the site: Inclusive Design 24 (#id24) is a free 24-hour online event for the global community. It celebrates inclusive design and shares knowledge and ideas from analogue to digital, from design to development, from planners to practitioners, and everything and everyone in between.
[15:29] <mike_beganyi> Matthew_Atkinson: will talk about this outside of this TF
[15:30] <mike_beganyi> sharon: have you do that in APA call tomorrow
[15:30] <mike_beganyi> zakim, next item
[15:30] <Zakim> agendum 3 -- APA Adapt announcement and messaging - https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-personalization-tf/2022May/0002.html -- taken up [from sharon]
[15:31] <mike_beganyi> janina: I will look at it because we have a meeting that will include Shawn. want to get her involved sooner than later
[15:31] <mike_beganyi> sharon: updating to Adapt, added the dates, updates from previous reviews, should be the same thing we reviewed before
[15:32] <mike_beganyi> zakim, next item
[15:32] <Zakim> agendum 4 -- TPAC 12-16 September 2022 - Plan meetings; remind chairs to fill in the form before 31 May:   https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/1/LogisticsTPAC2022/ -- taken up [from
[15:32] <Zakim> ... sharon]
[15:32] <mike_beganyi> sharon: planning, form to be filled out
[15:32] <Matthew_Atkinson> This is the page the TF needs to add to: https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/wiki/Meetings/TPAC_2022

[15:33] <Matthew_Atkinson> q+
[15:33] * Zakim sees Matthew_Atkinson on the speaker queue
[15:33] <mike_beganyi> janina: Matthew and I will do that sometime between 18th and 25th. we need each TF to decide whether the TF wants to work together or take time during TPAC to work on something
[15:33] <mike_beganyi> janina: COGA plans a relatively low profile, they did a lot last year and it was good
[15:33] <sharon> ack Matthew_Atkinson
[15:33] * Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue
[15:33] <mike_beganyi> Matthew_Atkinson: link to APA wiki page. we need to fill that in as a TF.
[15:34] <mike_beganyi> sharon: our part is to decide who we're meeting with and presentation
[15:35] <mike_beganyi> Matthew_Atkinson: do we need to request a meeting with WHATWG?
[15:35] <mike_beganyi> janina: as soon as we pass CR we will book a meeting with them
[15:36] <mike_beganyi> janina: all we need is a reserved prefix
[15:37] <Lionel_Wolberger> agenda?
[15:37] * Zakim sees 5 items remaining on the agenda:
[15:37] * Zakim 4. TPAC 12-16 September 2022 - Plan meetings; remind chairs to fill in the form before 31 May:   https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/1/LogisticsTPAC2022/ [from sharon]
[15:37] * Zakim 5. Adapt chairs, approve the Roy PR regarding renaming specification docs from Personalization to Adapt (and adding the caption)
[15:37] * Zakim ... https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/pull/205 [from sharon]
[15:37] <mike_beganyi> sharon: for right now, no meetings, but we will think about it
[15:37] * Zakim 6. PR status on issues 203 and 204 (merge) -  https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/issues/203,  https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/issues/204 [from
[15:37] * Zakim ... sharon]
[15:37] * Zakim 7. Content Module Implementations Status [from sharon]
[15:37] * Zakim 8. Planning future COGA meetings on our other two modules [from sharon]
[15:37] <Lionel_Wolberger> rrsagent, make minutes
[15:37] <RRSAgent> I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/05/16-personalization-minutes.html Lionel_Wolberger
[15:38] <mike_beganyi> zakim, next item
[15:38] <Zakim> agendum 5 -- Adapt chairs, approve the Roy PR regarding renaming specification docs from Personalization to Adapt (and adding the caption)
[15:38] <Zakim> ... https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/pull/205 -- taken up [from sharon]
[15:39] <mike_beganyi> Roy: can put render link in comments
[15:39] <mike_beganyi> janina: would be helpful as a common practice.
[15:39] <mike_beganyi> sharon: Lionel we need to make sure everything looks OK
[15:40] <mike_beganyi> janina: do an upated working draft with WAI-Adapt to move forward to CR
[15:40] <mike_beganyi> sharon: will merge when reviewed
[15:41] <mike_beganyi> zakim, next item
[15:41] <Zakim> agendum 6 -- PR status on issues 203 and 204 (merge) -  https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/issues/203,  https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/issues/204

[15:41] <Zakim> ... -- taken up [from sharon]
[15:42] <sharon> https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/pull/207

[15:42] <mike_beganyi> sharon: start with what Matthew worked on
[15:43] <mike_beganyi> Matthew_Atkinson: 207, symbol examples. brief changes mentioned in PR notes.
[15:43] <mike_beganyi> Matthew_Atkinson: changed cuptea.png cup.png instead, used symbol for cup
[15:44] <mike_beganyi> Matthew_Atkinson: fixed indentation, kept example of conjugating agenda. changed rules in spec. allowed spaces around "+" symbol. not really going to work for parsing.
[15:45] <mike_beganyi> sharon: I see single values
[15:46] <mike_beganyi> Matthew_Atkinson: will get Lisa to look at this anyway.
[15:47] <mike_beganyi> janina: this final resolution is that we need more eyes on this and that's what we get during CR
[15:47] <mike_beganyi> janina: questions about meaning should not prevent us from going to CR. will prevent us from going to PR if we don't remediate during CR
[15:48] <mike_beganyi> janina: I am not troubled by this. we've done the best we can and will solicit more feedback during CR
[15:49] <mike_beganyi> Matthew_Atkinson: any thoughts on how I've marked up the "+" sign, Roy?
[15:49] <mike_beganyi> Roy: I think it's OK for you to fix that.
[15:51] <mike_beganyi> sharon: sounds like we've merged that, right
[15:51] <mike_beganyi> Matthew_Atkinson: yes
[15:51] <mike_beganyi> sharon: Lisa can look during CR
[15:52] <mike_beganyi> sharon: looks like we merged 203 and 204. other things to do for those two issues?
[15:52] <mike_beganyi> janina: have to get back to James Craig. that was an action on me. would prefer to wait until after WD
[15:53] <mike_beganyi> Matthew_Atkinson: PR from me. 206. talked about how we need to allay some fears about complication of rendering. did a PR to implement that issue so that it's in the same area of the document
[15:55] <mike_beganyi> Matthew_Atkinson: reads Editor's Note
[15:57] <mike_beganyi> sharon: rest of examples in PRs. should we merge the editor's note?
[15:57] <mike_beganyi> janina: let's go ahead and merge it
[15:59] <mike_beganyi> sharon: link directly to this section so whoever wants to review can do so. then we decide about changes to be made, then we can make them
[15:59] <mike_beganyi> Matthew_Atkinson: gonna send a link for ease of discovery
[16:01] <mike_beganyi> janina: James will get us a Safari implementation we hoep

From: Sharon D Snider <snidersd@us.ibm.com>
Sent: Sunday, May 15, 2022 10:21 PM
To: public-personalization-tf <public-personalization-tf@w3.org>
Subject: APA Adapt Task Force Teleconference - Monday 16 May 2022 Agenda

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Hi all,

Please review the agenda for Monday's Adapt TF call and let us know if there are any other topics that need to be added:

Chair: Sharon

agenda+ Announce that next meeting will be on IRC Channel 'adapt'

agenda+ TPAC 12-16 September 2022 - Plan meetings; remind chairs to fill in the form before 31 May:   https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/1/LogisticsTPAC2022/

agenda+ Adapt chairs, approve the Roy PR regarding renaming specification docs from Personalization to Adapt (and adding the caption)

agenda+ PR status on issues 203 and 204 (merge) -  https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/issues/203,  https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/issues/204

agenda+ Content Module Implementations Status

agenda+ Planning future COGA meetings on our other two modules

The  teleconference information is at: call info - personalization<https://www.w3.org/2017/08/telecon-info_personalization>

• 10 am Eastern time
•  5 pm IS
•  3 pm UK time

IRC access

An IRC (Internet Relay Chat) channel will be available during the call at: https://irc.w3.org/?channels=personalization<http://irc.w3.org/?channels=personalization>

The server is  irc.w3.org<https://irc.w3.org/>
The port number is 6665
The channel is #personalization

You can write any name as a nickname

Resources and useful links
•  Wiki<https://t.sidekickopen90.com/s3t/c/5/f18dQhb0S7kF8cFFTBW4T_qld2zGCwVN8Jbw_8QsRtKVn1vXj1p1kknW16gGBN41Jd6G101?te=W3R5hFj4cm2zwW4mKLS-4mbkbhW49Ldrp2nQ-x1W30mhG94fDYzLW1GBcSW3F6jV_W45NqmX43TBFHW3T6jkg3T1McJf4mCW9mV3&si=8000000004174048&pi=847bb923-2f8a-464b-ea70-c18f5129b0ce>; - this page has links to all our work
•  mailing list archives<https://t.sidekickopen90.com/s3t/c/5/f18dQhb0S7kF8cFFTBW4T_qld2zGCwVN8Jbw_8QsRtKVn1vXj1p1kknW16gGBN41Jd6G101?te=W3R5hFj26QkH8W3T3qGX1JHM74W43Wg2w2p76z4W3T4FNJ1Lm8YzW3ZWTXk45W2z0W3SYFSb3K8R4LW41PFYp4ttcHyw43Tw4j48K2&si=8000000004174048&pi=847bb923-2f8a-464b-ea70-c18f5129b0ce>
•  Personalization Semantics 1.0<https://t.sidekickopen90.com/s3t/c/5/f18dQhb0S7kF8cFFTBW4T_qld2zGCwVN8Jbw_8QsRtKVn1vXj1p1kknW16gGBN41Jd6G101?te=W3R5hFj4cm2zwW4mKLS-4mbkbhW49Ldrl308ysDW49RkMP3zd6m0W3zhs7S41p0TNW3_R5CW3SYMZQf1Q1_Lt04&si=8000000004174048&pi=847bb923-2f8a-464b-ea70-c18f5129b0ce> (Personalization Semantics 1.0 Editors' Draft<https://t.sidekickopen90.com/s3t/c/5/f18dQhb0S7kF8cFFTBW4T_qld2zGCwVN8Jbw_8QsRtKVn1vXj1p1kknW16gGBN41Jd6G101?te=W3R5hFj4cm2zwW4mbpRl3P28X2W4hCPvp43np2_W49RkMP3zd6m0W3zhs7S41p0TNW3_R5CW3SYMZS0&si=8000000004174048&pi=847bb923-2f8a-464b-ea70-c18f5129b0ce>). See also the Personalization Semantics Task Force GitHub repository<https://t.sidekickopen90.com/s3t/c/5/f18dQhb0S7kF8cFFTBW4T_qld2zGCwVN8Jbw_8QsRtKVn1vXj1p1kknW16gGBN41Jd6G101?te=W3R5hFj4cm2zwW3P28X24hCPvhW43T4Pc1Vp7RHW3K8R4L41PFYpW4ttcHy43Tw4hW3K6K7d4fJd-31V3&si=8000000004174048&pi=847bb923-2f8a-464b-ea70-c18f5129b0ce>.
•  our home page
•  Web-Based Surveys (WBS)<https://t.sidekickopen90.com/s3t/c/5/f18dQhb0S7kF8cFFTBW4T_qld2zGCwVN8Jbw_8QsRtKVn1vXj1p1kknW16gGBN41Jd6G101?te=W3R5hFj4cm2zwW4mKLS-4mbkbhW49LdqK1N4hm1W1N81nQ3Cfv3hw1N4K5047V2&si=8000000004174048&pi=847bb923-2f8a-464b-ea70-c18f5129b0ce>;
•  personalization-semantics source repository issue tracker<https://t.sidekickopen90.com/s3t/c/5/f18dQhb0S7kF8cFFTBW4T_qld2zGCwVN8Jbw_8QsRtKVn1vXj1p1kknW16gGBN41Jd6G101?te=W3R5hFj4cm2zwW3P28X24hCPvhW43T4Pc1Vp7RHW3K8R4L41PFYpW4ttcHy43Tw4hW3K6K7d4fJd-3F1LyzF7W1vp1&si=8000000004174048&pi=847bb923-2f8a-464b-ea70-c18f5129b0ce>.
•  Scribing and Participation Tips: http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/wiki/Teleconference_cheat_sheet

•  Demo: https://github.com/ayelet-seeman/coga.personalisation and  https://rawgit.com/ayelet-seeman/coga.personalisation/demo/conactUs.htm<https://rawgit.com/ayelet-seeman/coga.personalisation/demo/conactUs.html>

Sharon Snider
IBM Design ► IBM Accessibility Team
www.ibm.com/able<https://www.ibm.com/able> and w3.ibm.com/able<https://w3.ibm.com/able>

Received on Monday, 16 May 2022 15:05:35 UTC