Introducing COGA to the Module 1 attributes

Hello Personalization,

I was invited to join COGA's call earlier today and introduced them to the purpose, action, destination and symbol attributes in a bit more detail than on the TPAC calls. Lisa helped address the group's questions on the work we are doing. We got quite a bit of helpful feedback, including some very exciting links to similar work on which we might build. As with our TPAC breakout and COGA sessions, there is a lot of excitement and encouragement around the work we're doing.


Very high-level key discussion topics...

1. Several issues and nuances around making effective mappings between symbol sets and Bliss concepts were raised by E.A. Draffan. When we have some examples to show (which we will soon), E.A. would be happy to help us review them, I suggested maybe inviting E.A. to join one of our calls.

2. E.A. Also mentioned some existing research projects, including some related projects. I think that is one. This has brought back fond memories for me, as I have attended events run by, and collaborated with, the team at JKU, lead by Klaus Miesenberger, some time back.

3. Questions were raised (IIRC by David Fazio) about the possibly overwhelming nature of using a mobile/tablet device with smaller-than-desktop screen and displaying many symbols on it. We acknowledged this, and discussed that UAs/extensions will probably be coded for very specific users and situations, so we'd hope that these concerns would be addressed. However, some discussion ensued and the importance of it being easy to set up help across devices was mentioned.

4. I passed on JF's ideas about a proxy service as one option, to show how the solution that the specification provides could be provided in a number of ways. Jennie was concerned that there may be some issues here with respect to corporate networks—we wouldn't want access to a proxy service to be a barrier to employment. Again we ACK'd this. (We were out of time by this time, but I would've added that we have a range of possibilities from proxies to local software/extensions.)

5. I think it was Jennie who raised that Microsoft has been doing some work on symbols in Edge, to aid understanding. Though I gather this doesn't allow mapping between sets. This could form the bases of another tech demo for us. Very exciting. Lisa is following up for more details.

That's about all I have for now. We'll want to return to COGA with examples, when we have them, so that we can discuss any issues concretely with them, and iterate on things. Also we'll need to join future meetings, and invite them to ours too. They're excited by this work, as are we, and are keen to help us with it.

I already passed this on to COGA and the chairs, but it was a productive meeting, and our work and I got a warm welcome. Looking forward to continuing to work with them!

best regards,

Matthew Tylee Atkinson
Senior Accessibility Engineer
TPG Interactive

A Vispero Company

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