Re: Attribution and Clarification(s)

I do not want to make changes to the draft modules of personlization based on the objection to the APA charter.
I think changes beyond an editors note have to have consensus of the task force. Remember we already have implementations of module 1  based on the examples as is. We should only change them with appropriate far  discussion  and strong consensus. 

All the best

Lisa Seeman

LinkedIn, Twitter

---- On Thu, 17 May 2018 22:20:09 +0300 Janina Sajka<> wrote ---- 

Responding to just one item in this email ... 
John Foliot writes: 
> >From today's APA Call, the following was recorded in the minutes: 
> Michael: John is objecting to these examples. Not offering to clean them 
> up. We thought the examples are better than nothing for now. 
> ​Can​ I please know who the "we" is here? Was this group consensus decision 
> recorded anywhere? Is there a public or private URI or previous meeting 
> minutes I should review? 
This understanding is based on the discussion of the examples in recent 
Personalization TF teleconferences, particularly Monday 30 April: 
Janina Sajka 
Linux Foundation Fellow 
Executive Chair, Accessibility Workgroup: 
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) 
Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures 

Received on Thursday, 17 May 2018 19:44:42 UTC