RE: Updated "Basic Credit Transfer Payment" Specification

Hi Matt, Kris, Vincent, Adrian, Todd and Ian,

Above all, I wish you a happy new Year and best wishes for you, family and friends.

Second, my apologies not being able to attend our telcon on December 16

Third, my apologies not being able to change directly the github but as there is so many changes, I feel more comfortable to provide a word document before.

Fourth, all my comments and changes on the proposal in an attached word document :
- adding BIC of payee
- adding field for automatic process of the credit transfer using ISO 20022
- separation between the W3C definition and the SEPA credit transfer mapping in order to avoid confusion with SEPA geeks
- update of the UML chart (the uml is in the word).

Best regards



-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Jacobs [] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2017 4:10 AM
To: Matt Saxon; VIGNET cyril; KETELS Kris; KUNTZ Vincent; Adrian Hope-Bailie; Albers, Todd
Cc: Payments WG
Subject: Updated "Basic Credit Transfer Payment" Specification

Hi Matt, Cyril, Kris, Vincent, Adrian, and Todd,

Based on our 16 December discussion  [1] I updated today:

 Basic Credit Transfer Payment


 * Structure aligned with Basic Card
 * New title of the spec
 * New payment method identifier: credit-transfer
 * New dependency on ISO 3611 for country codes (related to filtering)
 * New supportedCountries field (for filtering)
 * New section 6 (design considerations).

Not changed:

 * The repo URL
 * The request/response fields. Vincent will be looking at CGI later this month and sending us
   suggestions for fields (see [1]).
 * The flow diagram.

Comments welcome [2]. I suggest we meet next after 24 January (that is, after Vincent has had a chance to review request/response fields).


Ian Jacobs <>
Tel:                       +1 718 260 9447

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Received on Thursday, 5 January 2017 13:30:47 UTC