from April 2017 by thread

Call cancelled - 27 April Adrian Hope-Bailie (Thursday, 27 April)

[w3c/webpayments] Use of filters (#227) ianbjacobs (Thursday, 27 April)

AGENDA - WG Call - 27 April Adrian Hope-Bailie (Wednesday, 26 April)

[Tokenization] Scheduling task force call - please provide preferences until 25 April Ian Jacobs (Thursday, 20 April)

[Agenda] 20 April 2017 WPWG teleconference Ian Jacobs (Tuesday, 18 April)

[Agenda] 18 April Payment Apps Task Force Call Ian Jacobs (Friday, 14 April)

Tokenized Cards Task Force Roy McElmurry (Monday, 10 April)

No Payment Apps Task Force call on 11 April Ian Jacobs (Monday, 10 April)

No WPWG teleconference on 13 April Ian Jacobs (Monday, 10 April)

[Minutes] 6 April WPWG teleconference Ian Jacobs (Thursday, 6 April)

wpwg-ACTION-55: Triage the pmi list of issues and send to the wg Web Payments Working Group Issue Tracker (Thursday, 6 April)

Minutes [Was: [Agenda] 4 April Payment Apps Task Force teleconference] Ian Jacobs (Tuesday, 4 April)

Re: [w3c/webpayments] Payment Method Manifest spec - should enable country specific app discovery (#224) Marcos Cáceres (Tuesday, 4 April)

Re: [w3c/webpayments] Fingerprint and version metadata (in Web App Manifest spec) (#225) Adrian Hope-Bailie (Tuesday, 4 April)

TAG review of Payment Request API Ian Jacobs (Monday, 3 April)

Payment Handler issue triage [Was: [Agenda] 4 April Payment Apps Task Force teleconference] Ian Jacobs (Monday, 3 April)

Re: privacy topics for Payment Request API and Web Payments Ian Jacobs (Monday, 3 April)

Plan for getting Payments Specs to CR and FPWD Ian Jacobs (Monday, 3 April)

Re: [w3c/webpayments] Finer points of integration with Web App Manifest (#225) Rouslan Solomakhin (Monday, 3 April)

[w3c/webpayments] Updates to Interledger Payment Method spec (#226) Adrian Hope-Bailie (Sunday, 2 April)

Re: [w3c/webpayments] 3D secure support (#217) Adrian Hope-Bailie (Saturday, 1 April)

Re: Authority Objects applied to W3C Payment Specifications Adrian Hope-Bailie (Saturday, 1 April)

Last message date: Thursday, 27 April 2017 13:31:32 UTC