Re: Tokenized Cards Task Force

> On Apr 10, 2017, at 3:04 PM, Roy McElmurry <> wrote:
> Hello there,
> As discussed a few weeks ago, the working group thinks that tokenized cards is a subject worth our attention. Our actions items were to create a dedicated repo for this work and to coordinate a task force to make progress on it. 
> Ian has set us up with a repo: and I seeded it with the most recent tokenized card spec. The next step is the task force.
> Who is interested in contributing to the task force?

For convenience, here are the people who raised hands at the FTF meeting [1]:
 * Nick Telford-Reed
 * Matt Saxon
 * Olivier Yiptong
 * Michel Weksler
 * Andre Lyver
 * Ken Mealey
 * David McLaughlin
 * Nick Shearer (on the fence)



Ian Jacobs <>
Tel: +1 718 260 9447

Received on Monday, 10 April 2017 20:07:31 UTC