Dear WPWG,
Here is the agenda for our 6 October meeting:
Among other items, we plan to check in on the following actions from TPAC, sorted here by name so people can prepare for the meeting
* Manu Sporny
- Prepare Overview for CFC (Status: In progress)
* Ian Jacobs
- Work with Adam Roach to reach out to the TAG about “incognito mode” in their checklist (Status: In progress)
- Clarify the language around consent (to say more about WG thinking) for security and privacy considerations (Status: In progress)
* Adam Roach
- Proposed text for the basic card spec on why the API can reduce the need for storage of card data.
(But don’t include any “recommendations” around storage.)
* Roy McElmurry
- Revise the tokenization specification based on FTF feedback
* Ben Smith
- Organize review of the tokenization specification from an EMV perspective
- See next item with Mahesh
* Mahesh Kulkarni
- Work with Ben Smith on a proposal for a query for merchants to determine whether
the user has support for specific payment methods
* Zach Koch
- Remove the diagram from the basic card spec
- Work with Dapeng (Max) Li to revise the payment manifest proposal
- Review the payment app spec
* Dapeng (Max) Li
- See previous item with Zach
- Review the payment app spec
* Shane McCarron
- Look into error handling around addresses and possibly issue a pull request
- Review the payment app spec
Let me know if you have questions about your actions.
For more information about meeting logistics:
Ian Jacobs <>
Tel: +1 718 260 9447