Re: [paymentrequest] Should well-known identifiers be used for ubiquitous payment methods (#35)

To build on what Shane is saying - this doesn't have to be an "either this or that" decision. We can easily have both (and this is what the Web Payments CG proposals have been suggesting for 4+ years now).

If you use a data format that supports "terms" that map to URLs (like JSON-LD), you can easily do both. With the example of JSON-LD in mind, do this in the JSON-LD Context:
"paymentInstrumentType": {
  "@id": "",
  "@type": "@id"
"Visa": ""

and then your JSON data ends up looking like this:

  "paymentInstrumentType": "Visa",

So, you get the three desired benefits: 
  * easily readable for developers
  * completely unambiguous for machines
  * decentralized innovation (Visa gets to own their terms, standards orgs gets to own their terms, each can innovate at their own pace)

Here's a link to a working example in the JSON-LD playgrond:

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