Re: Checkout API spec published

On 02/10/2016 02:39 PM, Rouslan Solomakhin wrote:
> Hi Manu,
> I've looked over the Checkout spec. It's a great start. There's one
> issue to resolve.
> The browser can signal the merchant only by resolving the promise that
> calls finishCheckout() in your examples. In the course of a checkout,
> it's conceivable that the user selects shipping option 1, then shipping
> option 2, then shipping option 1 again. Your examples show
> recalculations of the line items with a call to
> checkout.send('paymentItem', checkoutDetails.items) when this happens.
> The checkout.send() function is synchronous. After calling it, the code
> steps down to the line that requests the payment. However, the user has
> not finished selection their payment options yet.
> I can see 2 ways to resolve this issue from the top of my head:
>  1. checkoutDetails should have a "finished" boolean field. This is set
>     to false when user changes shipping options. It is set to true when
>     the user clicks "Buy". The merchant has to check this field.
>     if (!checkoutDetails.finished)
>       checkout.continue().then(finishCheckout);
>     else
>       checkout.finish(...);
>  2. Fire events instead of resolving a promise when the user selects a
>     shipping option. Usage of your API would change slightly.
>     var checkout = new Checkout();
>     checkout
>         .onEvent('shippingOptionChange', recalculateLineItems)
>         .show()
>         .then(finishCheckout);
>     // Returns line items with updated price/tax/etc based on the
>     options that the user has selected in checkoutDetails.
>     function recalculateLineItems(checkoutDetails) {
>         ...
>     }
>     // Requests the payment from the browser.
>     function finishCheckout(checkoutDetails) {
>       checkout.finish(...);
>     }
> I prefer option 2, because it's harder for the merchant to accidently
> charge you before you've finished selecting your payment and shipping
> options. What do you think?

The merchant can't accidentally charge you -- they need to receive a
payment acknowledgement first. The payment acknowledgement won't arrive
until the user is taken to the appropriate payment app, which should
only happen after they've clicked "Buy". So I like option 1 better,
which keeps the flow control more obvious.

Dave Longley
Digital Bazaar, Inc.

Received on Thursday, 11 February 2016 01:16:48 UTC