Re: [proposals] Interoperable Private Attribution (IPA) (#2)

> In the absence of 3rd party cookies, cross-site (including cross-device) attribution won't be possible "by itself". It will require a new purpose constrained API. All companies incentives to participate will be to power their own attribution (with the side effect of enabling all attribution.)

So what you're saying is that Meta for example would be OK sharing their "match keys" with say Twitter (since Meta's reach is significantly higher, why would Twitter use its own?) because that way the advertiser can also use the match key (and Meta wouldn't be able to match its conversions with the advertiser otherwise). And since they can't decide to share only with the advertiser, they'd be fine with sharing with everyone else. 

Seems pretty far-fetched to be honest. Also, isn't Meta's or Google's reach enough that they can match against advertiser's first party logged in data and get even better results?

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