Re: Votes to advance documents to LC and CR

Ian - I think these are all necessary, but I think there are some  
others we need for QL and RL - particularly since we claim these to be  
related to RDBMS technologies, I think we need to see that validated.
  But please note the following (also addresses what Sandro stated  
about OWL Full in his email) -- in WOWG we had tests in our test set  
that tested every single feature (i.e. each possible vocabulary item)  
added to RDF(S) by OWL - so that the criteria that required every test  
be passable meant that every feature of Full (and also of the others)  
was at least separately implementable.  The 80% was not meant to show  
that many features could be supported together - and it also included  
some where the expectation was that a DL reasoner would not be able to  
properly handle (and there were a lot of details in the test set about  
what these meant - see the OWL 1 test case document)
  I think Michael or someone needs to go through the current OWL 2  
design vs. the tests, and make sure we have something in the CR  
results that gaurantees that every feature is implementable - the 80%  
should then also be included (or something similar) for the same reason.
  So I think Ian provides a great starting place - but as the original  
OWL was only differentiating 3 things, and the new one at least 5  
(Full, DL, RL, QL, EL) we have some extra responsibilities.   Also  
because the rationales for some of the profiles are different than the  
ones in OWL 1 (particularly, where QL and RL refer to RDBMS  
technology) we must show that the claimed benefits are realizable in  
  So these are what I would hope we would work towards.
p.s. Would also be useful as an internal document to do what we did  
with the OWL 1 criteria and identify current candidates we think can  
handle what is being proposed - based on my experience from WOWG, when  
we presented the Exit Criterion to the Director, he wanted some  
evidence that our proposed time frames were realistic - by having  
candidates we were able to seriously shorten the time (if I recall  
correctly, without that we would have been forced to have at least a 6  
month CR)

On May 20, 2009, at 11:39 AM, Ian Horrocks wrote:

> After discussions with Alan and Sandro I redrafted the "candidate"  
> CR exit criteria [1] in a way that I hope meets some of the concerns  
> that have been expressed. Hopefully they are at least a sensible  
> starting point for our discussion.
> Ian
> [1]

"Con un poco de semántica ya se consigue ir muy lejos"

Prof James Hendler, @jahendler,  
Tetherless World Constellation Chair
Computer Science Dept
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy NY 12180

Received on Wednesday, 20 May 2009 15:52:59 UTC