Re: Weekly teleconferences

Randomly deciding when to have meetings makes it difficult to plan and 
schedule around them.  Doodle is
down.  Are we or are we not having a meeting this week? How much minimum 
lead time will be given
for such information for future meetings?  Will there be someplace on 
the wiki look to see when we are not
to meet in a given week?

Sorry, but someone just moved a meeting here into the normal OWL WG 
telecon slot for this week, and I
need to know whether work to have our local meeting moved.


> Rather than having teleconferences on a regular 2 week cycle a more 
> flexible option is to have them at the usual time (Wednesday 10:00 
> Boston) but choosing the weeks as needed and as convenient for WG 
> members. I set up a doodle poll [1] where we can indicate our 
> availability.
> Thanks,
> Ian
> [1]

Received on Monday, 15 June 2009 18:30:36 UTC