RE: FW: TopQuadrant response to OWL2 LC

Ivan Herman wrote:

>O.k., I take your points. But I am afraid of the confusion created by
>the LHS and the RHS, more exactly the assymetry with rdfs:subPropertyOf


>What was wrong with having something like
>(SEQ p_1 ... p_n) owl:subPropertyChainOf q .
>Though I am afraid I know: it looks quite awful in RDF/XML because the
>parseType="collection" cannot be used:-( Sigh... It is o.k. in turtle...

This was there in the member submission, see Table 2 in

and, AFAIR, was one of the first things requested to be changed. :)

Actually, there is no precedence for having lists on the LHS, so I wouldn't like to follow this path.

And as a practical argument: This is not how I am accustomed to create OWL/RDF in a tool such as TBC: Start from some object (e.g. a property name), and attach predicate/value pairs to it. Here, you would need to start from some list, or apply some very different approach (don't know which one, perhaps predicate centric?).

>If this is indeed the case, then I would weaken your case:-) and go for
>q owl:superOfPropertyChain (SEQ p_1 ... p_n)
>ain't nice, I know... but avoids confusions with LHS and RHS...

Looks confusing to me. I would rather prefer

  q owl:superPropertyOfChain (SEQ p_1 ... p_n)

That's at least closer to a correct sentence, not so hard to remember, and expresses quite well what is actually meant.


Dipl.-Inform. Michael Schneider
Research Scientist, Dept. Information Process Engineering (IPE)
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Received on Wednesday, 28 January 2009 19:40:36 UTC