agenda item for Teleconference 5 November on MIME types (ISSUE-145)

The resolution of ISSUE-145 calls for MIME types for Functional Syntax,
Manchester Syntax, and XML Serialization.

To polish this off, we need the actual mime types.  It is also a good
idea to specify a preferred extension and some MAC stuff.  I think that
we need to make a "decision" on these.  I suggest that if no consensus
emerges before 5 November that we should discuss this on 5 November.

The current suggestions (mine modified by Ivan):

		MIME Type		Extension	MAC file type

Functional	text/owl-functional	.ofn		TEXT		
Manchester	text/owl-manchester	.omn		TEXT
XML		application/owl+xml	????		???

Do we actually need to have a MAC file type?


Received on Friday, 24 October 2008 15:58:40 UTC