Re: new drafts -- We are NOT ready to go and the documents are garbled!

> We are NOT ready to go: I already noticed my e-mail
> the documents are garbled. In all the documents,   has been changed to a
>  space, which destroys formatting in a number of
> places. Furthermore, HTML entities ⟨, ∈ and so on are not shown cor
> rectly. This makes the formal part of the documents
> completely messed up: the Semantics document is virtually unreadable, and so 
> is the datatype part of the Syntax document. This has
> to be corrected before the documents can be published.

Ugh, okay, I'll look at the entity handling logic again.  Sorry for
missing that.

> It would be god if we could make 100% sure that the HTML in the body of the d
> ocument is *exactly* the same as the HTML generated by
> the Wiki. Otherwise, we have a problem because we'd need to rereview the docu
> ments to make sure nothing got "lost in translation".

Well, it can't be exactly the same because of things like the links
between the wiki pages needing to turn into links between the documents.
But it certainly should be possible to go html->dom tree->html without
messing up the entities!

     -- Sandro

Received on Wednesday, 8 October 2008 11:52:34 UTC