ACTION-103 are all OWL 1.0 ontologies representable in RDF

Oops - ACTION-103

From: Peter F. Patel-Schneider <>
Subject: ACTION-103 are all OWL 1.0 ontologies representable in RDF
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2008 14:35:40 -0400 (EDT)

> Executive Summary:  YES
> Non-executive Summary:  yes, with a caveat
> Actual situation: same as in OWL 1.1
> Recall that an OWL 1.0 ontology has a separated vocabulary if 
> 1/ each URI reference in it is at most one of a class ID, a datatype ID,
>    an individual ID, an individual-valued property ID, a data-valued
>    property ID, an annotation property ID, an ontology property ID, or
>    an ontology ID; 
> 2/ it doesn't use any disallowed vocabulary (e.g., owl:inverseOf,
>    rdf:type) in the wrong way; and 
> 3/ it doesn't use the built-in names (e.g., owl:thing) in the wrong way.
> In OWL 1.0 every OWL DL ontology can be expressed in the abstract syntax
> and also as an RDF graph, via the transformation in
> (which does
> not depend on a separated vocabulary).  However, such RDF graphs are not
> "OWL DL ontologies in RDF graph form" because these must have a
> separated vocabulary.  The OWL DL and OWL Full semantics can (and likely
> do) diverge on these these RDF graphs (note that Theorems 1 and 2 in
> do not apply
> to them).
> The situation in OWL 1.1 as I envision it would be the same.  OWL 1.1
> ontologies that do not have a separated vocabulary can be translated
> into RDF graph form, but their Full semantics may (and is likely to)
> diverge from their DL semantics.
> Peter F. Patel-Schneider
> Bell Labs Research

Received on Wednesday, 12 March 2008 18:43:47 UTC