Equating subproperties to restricted properties


Is it possible in OWL 1.1 to equate a property to another as it is
restricted on a subclass of the domain?  For example:

    Animals eat Animals

    Dolphins eat Fish (restriction of eat property on Dolphin)

    Dolphins dolphin-eat Fish (dolphin-eat a subproperty of eat, with
                               domain Dolphin, which has the same
                               interpretation as eat when the domain is
                               restricted to dolphins).

I think this is needed when introducing a role chains in the subclass.
For example, a role chain that includes eat, but only applies to
dolphins, would need to use dolphin-eat.  Maybe there's another way to
do that, can't think of any.


Received on Friday, 7 March 2008 15:00:17 UTC