ISSUE-96 (OWL1.1 vocabulary names): OWL-1.1 vocabulary naming in RDF mapping is not consistent

ISSUE-96 (OWL1.1 vocabulary names): OWL-1.1 vocabulary naming in RDF mapping is not consistent

Raised by: Michael Schneider
On product: 

In the RDF mapping, we have the following URIs:

  * owl11:subObjectPropertyOf
  * owl11:equivalentObjectProperty
  * owl11:disjointObjectProperties

At least the names for the 2nd URI (singular) and 3rd URI (plural) will perhaps lead to confusion. I suggest to use names close to the existing names in OWL-1.0:

  * keep "owl11:subObjectPropertyOf", since there is "rdfs:subPropertyOf" 
  * keep "owl11:equivalentObjectProperty", since there is "owl:equivalentProperty"

  * change "owl11:disjointObjectProperties" to
    * either "owl11:disjointObjectProperty" to match "owl:equivalentProperty"
    * or "owl11:dijointObjectPropertyWith" to match "owl:disjointWith" for classes

The same changes will then have to be performed for data properties, too, of course.

Michael Schneider

Received on Sunday, 2 March 2008 14:49:30 UTC