question about annotations

During the discussion yesterday I got a bit confused about say the 
following set of triples in OWL 1.1

eg:c rdf:type owl:Class .
eg:c eg:dp "A string" .


If I put these two triples through an OWL 1.0 'make it DL patch-up' 
program, I would get

eg:dp rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .

If I put these through an OWL 1.1 (with punning) 'make it DL patch-up' 
maybe I should get

eg:dp owl:DataProperty .

with eg:c being punned as a class and an individual.

This would suggest that no annotations are needed at all in OWL 1.1 - 
and then I get confused because we have discussions about annotations.


Please clarify, are there annotations on entities in OWL 1.1, and if so, 


Received on Thursday, 24 January 2008 09:17:22 UTC