Re: ISSUE-94 (n-ary constucts and RDF): Problem with roundtripping when going from functional-style syntax into RDF and back


I need a clarification.

OWL Working Group Issue Tracker wrote:
> 4. Proposed solution
> --------------------
> The general approach to handling this issue would be along the lines of AllDifferent from OWL 1.0. Consider again axiom (1). If n is equal to 2, then, to be compatible with OWL 1.0, we might translate the axiom into (2). If n is different from 2, however, we would translate it into the following RDF triples:
> (8) _:x rdf:type owl11:AllEquivalentClasses
> (9) _:x owl11:members T(SEQ c_1 ... c_n)

My understanding is that

EquivalentClasses( c_1 ... c_n )

does not define any new entity, but makes a statement about existing 
ones. However

_:x rdf:type owl11:AllEquivalentClasses
_:x owl11:members T(SEQ c_1 ... c_n)

introduces a new resource (_:x) and makes statement on that new 
resource. Are these two really the same?

I may have missed something, though


> There was some objection to the vocabulary bloat. However, most users are unlikely to deal with RDF directly anyway: they will use editors for their ontologies, and these editors can hide the underlying complexity.
> Regards,
>  Boris


Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
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Received on Thursday, 17 January 2008 09:47:16 UTC