Entities in ontologies [was Re: ACTION-61 (F2F minutes link fix up) complete and two points]

On Wed, 2008-01-16 at 20:26 +0000, Bijan Parsia wrote:

> While doing this I hit two interesting points:
> One from Boris:
> 	""Every OWL API wants to provide "what are the classes in this  
> ontology", but what does that mean for OWL?"""
> However, my understanding of the current structural specification is  
> that this is not answered. Ontologies contain axioms, not classes.  
> Are the classes "in" an ontology the classes in the signature of the  
> ontology? All terms? Declared classes? Classes mentioned in imported  
> ontologies but not in local axioms?

Discussion of this at the F2F prompted [ISSUE-89].  It also relates to
the use of declaration axioms and, as you observer, gets pulled into the
on-going discussion of imports.  We can also pull this into the
round-tripping discussion because a typing triple alone is not an axiom
and would not survive round-tripping.

I believe that current user expectations are that a typing triple puts
an entity "in" an ontology, but agree with Boris that this expectation
is not formalized in the OWL 1.0 specs.
Mike Smith

Clark & Parsia

[ISSUE-89] http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/tracker/issues/89

Received on Wednesday, 16 January 2008 20:46:18 UTC