Test process

For ACTION-46 I have drafted:


This will need review, and (hopefully) approval by the WG as part of our 
test process.

There are also some key areas where modification will be needed.

Areas I hope are uncontentious:

- Test Types
- Extra Credit Tests
- required metadata for each test (under Test Creation)
- Test approval process
- editor discretion for test modification
   (although this partly depends on the editors)
- Most of the stylistic preferences from last time

Areas I believe will require work

- format for test files (I believe many WG members would be unhappy with 
the previous WG's decision that RDF/XML was the only normative format)
- how to collect the test. The 2004 Tests were collected in directories 
(one for each issue). I believe that there is enthusiasm for using the 
Wiki this time, so we will need to document the process that works with 
that. However, I suggest that numbering related tests from 001 to 999 is 
a good idea, and that the numbering conventions from the old group 
should be carried forward.

I suggest we have a test item on the agenda for the next telecon.


Received on Wednesday, 9 January 2008 14:02:44 UTC