ISSUE-15: Ontologies should not be required to include a URI

I believe that there has been general consensus that ontologies need not
include a name.  However, I cannot find a good pointer to any
documentation on the discussion.

1/ Does anyone have any good pointers to any discussion on this issue?
2/ Absent that, does anyone have any problems allowing "anonymous"
   ontologies, i.e., ontologies without a name.

I propose that we allows OWL 1.1 ontologies to be anonymous, i.e.,
without a name, and that we change Syntax to allow this in the syntax,
Semantics to fix up the semantics (if necessary), and RDF mapping to fix
up the mappings.

This issue is related to the issue of imports, but I believe that any
imports solution can deal with anonymous ontologies (if only to the
extent that anonymous ontologies cannot be imported).

Peter F. Patel-Schneider

Received on Monday, 7 January 2008 19:05:48 UTC