correction to minutes 6th Feb

I've corrected one comment I made that was misscribed, which I noted at 
the time. (I've also tidied up a side conversation I had on IRC 
clarifying to Bijan).

The change is:
one of the reasons d'etre of OWL Full isn't architectural, but there is 
a view from the RDF community that the various ways of putting semantics 
on top of triples needs support, and this is what OWL Full gives them. I 
still don't like OWL Full being described at not OWL DL

One of the raisons d'etre of OWL Full is architectural.
The RDF view puts semantics on top of triples, and 'semantic extensions'
of RDF allow for multiple additional semantics to be layered on top.
OWL Full is one of these.
OWL Full includes OWL DL, I don't much like it being described as not 


Received on Monday, 11 February 2008 10:10:25 UTC