- From: Jim Hendler <hendler@cs.rpi.edu>
- Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2007 13:50:03 -0500
- To: OWL Working Group WG <public-owl-wg@w3.org>
- Message-Id: <401C32A6-9FB6-4536-8701-AD7860B58693@cs.rpi.edu>
In light of the conversations and presentation at the f2f as best I could follow - I propose the following which I believe is actually within the spirit of consensus Summary (details below) I propose we redefine OWL Lite to be somewhat less than is currently in the language, that we name a new subset with the intent of adding just enough OWL to RDFS to match current "low end" needs, and I propose that we create an easily findable Working Note and Wiki page with named subsets of OWL that are provably polynomial based on Bernardo's current document. 1 - OWL Lite I propose we redefine OWL Lite to be closer to the current language coverage that is in Oracle's OWL Prime. For the DL version of this, we will have a model theory and the restrictions needed to prove whatever it is we wish to prove about it (completeness, decidability, etc) There will be a Full version which is defined as the subset of the OWL Full Semantics (however we end up defining those) corresponding to the same language constructs (note: this may well require removing some language features that Oracle and others currently support from this named subset) 2 - RDFS 3.0 I propose we name a subset called RDFS 3.0 which is less than OWL Lite - aimed primarily at universals - i.e. named classes and properties, no restriction statements involved. There should be a version of this which is provably polynomial within certain restrictions (at least no redefinition of the language features, possibly those DL restrictions required to keep this true - ie only inversefunctional datatypes used as keys per Uli's presentation, or whatever). This version could be called something like RDFS 3.0 DB (if we get it close to datalog) or DL (if that's the best we can do) The language would likely be widely used (or more correctly, is already widely used) - I also note that something very similar to the fragment I proposed has been used by a couple of companies using map/ reduce algorithms, meaning RDFS 3.0 would be effective for use in large scale web applications since it appears that it can be deployed on large server farms (note that these results are based on hearsay, as most of the companies exploring RDF parallelization require NDAs to discuss their work). RDFS 3.0 DB would also entice DB researchers to explore issues such as query optimization in SPARQL and the like. 3 - other fragments The many other polynomial fragments that Bernardo has documented are valuable. I would suggest we create a WG note based on the current fragments documents, and a Wiki page to make it easier for users to link to implementations and etc. I propose the first two go rec track. The documentation of these fragments would clearly follow the practices for the remainder of the language - i.e. model theory, functional spec or whatever could be developed (since these would mainly be subsetting of larger sets, this should be doable). Compliance with both of these would be specified in some way that the group agrees to (consistent with whatever practice we develop for the remainder of the language). I believe this would meet the following needs: 1 - OWL Lite already exists, but is not widely used in its current form (most things in OWL Lite appear to be less expressive than the whole of the language). This would allow us to create a more easily implemented OWL Lite for DL tools, and for companies like HP, Oracle and the others mentioned at the f2f, they could claim to support OWL Lite (Full) and comply to it fairly easily from where they are now. 2 - RDFS 3.0 would entice the Web 3.0 market segment to look at including some OWL - and my hope is in for a penny, in for a pound, they'd eventual move to greater use - and if not, there'd still be wide value. The ease of moving from the full to the DB or DL would also help bring users not yet thinking about reasoning per se (i.e. doing simple inferences via procedural code) into exploring what tools like Pellet and Racer can do. "If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be called research, would it?." - Albert Einstein Prof James Hendler http://www.cs.rpi.edu/~hendler Tetherless World Constellation Chair Computer Science Dept Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy NY 12180
Received on Friday, 7 December 2007 18:50:15 UTC