RE: Bill-Of-Material in OWL

    Thanks for the details.  Your use case is much clearer, now.  I'd
say the way you've modeled this just fine.  As far as inferencing goes,
I'd need to know more about what you hope to have the reasoner do for
you.  Can you give an example of what sort of conclusions you'd like the
reasoner to make, or what sort of queries you'd like to run (and the
results you hope to get)?

-Brandon :)



From: Gocev, Pavel [] 
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2007 7:25 AM
Cc: Ibach, Brandon L;
Subject: Re: Bill-Of-Material in OWL

I think I need to explain more details of my example:


To build the Product_A (e.G. a Table_X), 4 same pieces of Component_C1
(e.G. 4 Legs) and 2 same pieces of Component_C2 (e.G. 2 wooden Boards)
are needed.
To build the Product_B (e.G. a Table_Y), 3 same pieces of Component_C1
(e.G. 3 Legs) and 3 same pieces of Component_C2 (e.G. 3 wooden Boards)
are needed.
Brandon, Matthew,
thank you very much for he examples, but Product_A, Product_B,
Component_C1 and Component_C2 are to be instances. I am using
TopBraidComposer whereby I would like to infere on the base of Jena or
SWRL Rules. 


What I have done is introducing the class "Child" with instances
(PA_Child1, PA_Child2, PB_Child1 and PB_Child2) and suitable properties


Product_A --> hasChild --> PA_Child1

Product_A --> hasChild --> PA_Child2.

PA_Child1 --> isMaterial --> Component_C1

PA_Child1 --> hasQuantity --> 4

PA_Child2 --> isMaterial --> Component_C2

PA_Child2 --> hasQuantity --> 2



Product_B --> hasChild --> PB_Child1

Product_B --> hasChild --> PB_Child2.

PB_Child1 --> isMaterial --> Component_C1

PB_Child1 --> hasQuantity --> 3

PB_Child2 --> isMaterial --> Component_C2

PB_Child2 --> hasQuantity --> 3


I hope I can run inference on this after the change of my rules





Received on Friday, 31 August 2007 12:47:34 UTC