Re: Bill-Of-Material in OWL

I think I need to explain more details of my example:


To build the Product_A (e.G. a Table_X), 4 same pieces of Component_C1
(e.G. 4 Legs) and 2 same pieces of Component_C2 (e.G. 2 wooden Boards)
are needed.
To build the Product_B (e.G. a Table_Y), 3 same pieces of Component_C1
(e.G. 3 Legs) and 3 same pieces of Component_C2 (e.G. 3 wooden Boards)
are needed.
Brandon, Matthew,
thank you very much for he examples, but Product_A, Product_B,
Component_C1 and Component_C2 are to be instances. I am using
TopBraidComposer whereby I would like to infere on the base of Jena or
SWRL Rules. 


What I have done is introducing the class "Child" with instances
(PA_Child1, PA_Child2, PB_Child1 and PB_Child2) and suitable properties


Product_A --> hasChild --> PA_Child1

Product_A --> hasChild --> PA_Child2.

PA_Child1 --> isMaterial --> Component_C1

PA_Child1 --> hasQuantity --> 4

PA_Child2 --> isMaterial --> Component_C2

PA_Child2 --> hasQuantity --> 2



Product_B --> hasChild --> PB_Child1

Product_B --> hasChild --> PB_Child2.

PB_Child1 --> isMaterial --> Component_C1

PB_Child1 --> hasQuantity --> 3

PB_Child2 --> isMaterial --> Component_C2

PB_Child2 --> hasQuantity --> 3


I hope I can run inference on this after the change of my rules





Received on Friday, 31 August 2007 11:30:10 UTC