Re: OWL 2.0 ...

we have shown in how
fuzzy logic can be used for modeling user preferences and how simple
fuzzy IF-THEN rules interpretations can be handled with a DL with
concrete domains. The paper is rather thin, but may still contribute to
the collection of some starting ideas/works.

Sudhir Agarwal
Institute for Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods (AIFB)
University of Karlsruhe (TH), Germany
Phone: +49 721 6086817

>  (NOTE: This is a private message, it has no link to the Sem Web 
> activity, or anything else -- I write this wearing my professor hat!)

> In recent days I've been attending a lot of meetings where I have 
> been approached by people talking about not just the limitations of 
> the current OWL (something I've been hearing about for a long time 
> :-)) but actually talking about proposed technical solutions.   I 
> think it would be good to start to collect some of these and to think 
> a bit about those things that we might want to see go into some 
> future OWL version
>    There's a wide variety of these things going from simple extensions

> to OWL (such as adding qualified restrictions, having an 
> owl:allDisjoint , etc.)  to adding some standard ways of doing common 
> things in other KR langauges  (part-whole, bounded transitivity, 
> probability models)  or going beyond to new concepts in Sem Web (new 
> models of partial import, named ontology segments, etc.)
>    I'd like to hear what people are working on, or what people need - 
> this way we'll have these ideas on record for the eventual next 
> generation of OWL technology.
>    -Jim H,.

Received on Wednesday, 11 May 2005 07:17:26 UTC