RE: WebIDL Types Discussion

Filed as Issue 88. 
From: Jason Ausborn []
Sent: Friday, May 16, 2014 12:22 AM
Subject: WebIDL Types Discussion

I believe that the WebIDL Type of "unsigned int" should be changed to either unsigned short, unsigned long, or unsigned long long. Reason being, the "int" Type is not listed as a Type for WebIDL (from my understanding).

Areas are highlighted yellow below:

8.1 RTCRtpUnhandled

dictionary RTCRtpUnhandled {
    unsigned int ssrc<>;
    unsigned byte payloadType<>;
    DOMString? receiverId<>;

8.3 dictionary RTCRtpCodec

dictionary RTCRtpCodec {
    DOMString name<> = "";
    unsigned int? hzRate<> = null;
    unsigned byte preferredPayloadType<>;
    unsigned int? numChannels<> = 1;
    Capabilities formats<>;

8.4 dictionary RTCRtpParameters

dictionary RTCRtpParameters {
    DOMString receiverId<> = "";
    sequence<RTCRtpCodecParameters<>> codecs<>;
    sequence<RTCRtpHeaderExtensionParameters<>> headerExtensions<>;
    sequence<RTCRtpEncodingParameters<>> encodings<>;
    unsigned int rtcpSsrc<>;

8.6 dictionary RTCRtpEncodingParameters

dictionary RTCRtpEncodingParameters {
    unsigned int? ssrc<> = null;
    DOMString codecName<> = "";
    RTCRtpFecParameters<>? fec<> = null;
    RTCRtpRtxParameters<>? rtx<> = null;
    double priority<> = 1.0;
    double? maxBitrate<> = null;
    double minQuality<> = 0;
    double frameratebias<> = 0.5;
    double scale<> = null;
    double framerate<> = null;
    double quality<> = null;
    boolean active<> = true;
    DOMString? encodingId<>;
    sequence<DOMString> dependencyEncodingIds<>;

8.8 dictionary RTCRtpFecParameters

dictionary RTCRtpFecParameters {
    unsigned int? ssrc<> = null;
    DOMString mechanism<>;

8.9 dictionary RTCRtpRtxParameters

dictionary RTCRtpRtxParameters {
    unsigned int? ssrc<> = null;

11.3.3 dictionary RTCSctpCapabilities

dictionary RTCSctpCapabilities {
    unsigned int maxMessageSize<> = null;


Also, I did not find an "unsigned byte" type for WebIDL (from my understanding)

Areas are highlighted yellow below:

8.1 RTCRtpUnhandled

dictionary RTCRtpUnhandled {
    unsigned int ssrc<>;
    unsigned byte payloadType<>;
    DOMString? receiverId<>;

8.3 dictionary RTCRtpCodec

dictionary RTCRtpCodec {
    DOMString name<> = "";
    unsigned int? hzRate<> = null;
    unsigned byte preferredPayloadType<>;
    unsigned int? numChannels<> = 1;
    Capabilities formats<>;

8.5 dictionary RTCRtpCodecParameters

dictionary RTCRtpCodecParameters {
    unsigned byte payloadType<>;
    RTCRtpCodec<> codec<>;
    Settings formats<>;
    Settings rtcpFeedback<>;




Received on Friday, 16 May 2014 17:34:11 UTC