- From: Bernard Aboba <Bernard.Aboba@microsoft.com>
- Date: Fri, 2 May 2014 15:17:48 +0000
- To: "public-ortc@w3.org" <public-ortc@w3.org>
>From Shijun Sun: RTCDtlsParameters, “fingerprint” could be “fingerprints”. (singular --> plural) Missing example 1, some other examples… We expect RTCDtlsTransportState should be monotonic. Please confirm and specify in the spec. RTCIceTransport allows empty constructor. This can’t be usable given all the attributes are read-only. Should fix the constructor. Remove “optional”. setRemoteParameters is still used in the Example 2 RTCIceListener right now is still just an “options”. First, we can’t set a dictionary (like the “options”) as an attribute to start with. What else are expected on the listener? Why “options” is not readonly? What if the “options” changes while being used to create other transport? RTCRtpSender, the spec should provide algorithms/steps when “track” and “transport” changes dynamically. Using method, e.g. setTrack(…) will be better. a. For example, what is the state of current “track” and “transport”, and what is the state of the new “track” or new “transport”. b. Can the new “track” be different type? E.g. video -> audio c. When the new “transport” uses different ICE ports, should the RtpParameters be renegotiated? d. etc. e. Events/eventhandlers should be defined if any async operations and feedbacks are expected RTCRtpReceiver, same on the “transport” given it is not read-only. a. Does a “transport” change mean a “track” change implicitly? What is the impact to downstream? b. Might just be clearer to use a new RTP receiver. RtpCodec, what is the meaning of Codec Clock? Is numChannels applicable to video? Why is it nullable? No need of “?” marks? RTCRtpCodecParameters, payloadType is nullable, so need a “?” after “byte”. Same in RTCRtpEncodingParameters, 3 items. RTCRtpEncodingParameters. What is the purpose of “active”? a. Why “codecName” is nullable? b. “priority” should have a range. c. “scale” should not be more than 1.0 RTCRtpFecParameters, can we get an enum for “mechanism”? RTCRtpRtxParameters, “ssrc” should be nullable, i.e. with “?” RTCRtpHeaderExtensionParameters, “id” with a “?”
Received on Friday, 2 May 2014 15:18:17 UTC