Re: OA, DCMI, FOAF; Oh My!

Hi Tim,

If you could explain your requirements and/or use cases in a little
more detail, we may be in a better position to help.  Dublin Core and
FOAF are definitely mainstays of semantic markup, but serve in a very
different capacity to Open Annotation.  DC and FOAF describe
resources, whereas OA is primarily concerned with the relationships
between resources.



On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 9:10 AM, Timothy Cook
<> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Can someone point me to the most recent best practices for using all
> these options for semantic markup?
> My primary project is healthcare related and as such I use mostly
> controlled vocabularies for semantics.  However, we do deal with real
> people in a real world and DCMI has been my go-to preference here.  I
> recently found OA and now I am struggling to get through the noise to
> see how best to mark up my constraint definitions (expressed as XML
> Schema files).
> Thanks for your feedback.
> --Tim
> --
> ============================================
> Timothy Cook, MSc           +55 21 94711995
> LinkedIn Profile:
> Skype ID == timothy.cook
> Academic.Edu Profile:

Received on Monday, 23 July 2012 15:47:03 UTC