Re: Literals as Body

On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 2:30 AM, Stian Soiland-Reyes
<> wrote:
> The specification describes oa:hasBody as a "Relationship" rather than
> a "Property".
> So my short answer is no, oa:hasBody must go to a resource, not a literal.

Yes, that's correct.  oa:hasBody always has a resource as subject, not
a literal.

This is primarily for two reasons:
* Consistency for Modeling.  We do not want to have to inspect the
object in the triple to figure out what is going on. It should always
just be a resource.  This makes the modeling much cleaner at the
(minimal) expense of two extra triples.
* Consistency for Data.  As the body resource may not be text (it
could be video, audio, image, data, anything!) then the case where it
is text should not be a special case, for the sake of saving one

> species how the
> literal (at least string or bytes) can be represented using Content In
> RDF.

Yep, and also a server should behave if it wants to turn the inline
content into a full resource with a dereferencable URI.

> I think I have raised earlier that the RDFS definition should
> clarifier this with light use of OWL.

Sure.  I'm happy to replace the current RDFS with whatever is most
appropriate, so long as someone (Stian?) will commit to maintaining it


Received on Monday, 23 July 2012 15:39:19 UTC