Re: [Open Annotation] some questions

On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 8:39 PM, Paolo Ciccarese
<> wrote:

>> Is it covered by the FragmentSelector and hasSource in place of
>> hasPageContext, and the element id as the object of the rdf:value
>> property?  Or if that's not appropriate, then a new selector with the
>> named section and the html page linked to the specific resource.
>> Perhaps I'm misunderstanding the exact nature of the named target?
> If I want to say that the image has been annotated while part of the Open
> Annotation Community page:
> Could I add something in the oa:SpecificResource instance pointing to that
> page?

>From reading the documentation (and discussion with Marco
Grassi) I'm not sure that's the same requirement?

To try and characterize my understanding:

If there's a web page that is cooperating with an annotation client to
assign URI identifiers to its internal sections, how should this be
expressed in the Open Annotation model?

If that's correct, then it's a Selector that selects based on the
identifier.  It seems very similar to a FragmentSelector, but in the
HTML given by Christian, would select based on the "about" attribute
rather than "id".

Something like:

<_:Anno1> a oa:Annotation ;
  oa:hasSource <_:Body1> ;
  oa:hasTarget <_:SpecificResource1> .

<_:SpecificResource1> a oa:SpecificResource ;
  oa:hasSource <> ;
  oa:hasSelector <_:AASelector> .

<_:AASelector> a oax:AboutAttributeSelector ;
  oax:about <> .

This seems like it could be accomplished without a new class however.


would also select the same element?


Received on Thursday, 19 July 2012 06:50:33 UTC